Clarity Counseling FAQs

Is this confidential?

Yes! Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. Unless you sign a “Release of Information”, what you say will stay with your counselor. These are 3 exceptions:


Counselors are mandated reporters, and required by law to report all instances of suspected child and/or elder abuse.


Counselors have a duty to warn. In the event there is an “imminent danger” to you or to others, we are required to take the necessary measures to promote safety.


In the event of a Court Order, counselors will release information that is pertinent only to the matter before the Court.

How long will it take?

The length of time in counseling varies, and is correlated to the reason for seeking counseling. As a patient, we will assess your progress with you, and share our recommendations. The therapeutic process is generally not quick and can be emotionally exhausting, so the pace of counseling can be adjusted to avoid you being overwhelmed.

How often do we meet?

To establish a good working relationship, early in the process we recommend weekly appointments. However, depending on your needs, we can be available to meet with greater or less frequency.

Do you accept insurance?

Yes and No.
LPCC’s will bill insurance on your behalf. Insurance companies do require that the service is medically necessary, and a diagnostic assessment must be on record. An LPCC will be able to perform the diagnostic assessment during your initial visit. Insurance does not cover marital/couples therapy, but does cover family therapy when conditions within the family exacerbate the mental health condition. To avoid having this on record, or to determine the number of sessions, some choose not to use insurance. If not using insurance, meet with the therapist of your choice.